Christopher Charles
Indian Chief Black Cloud had warned Rose of the impending flood that would cover their land for miles. When she told those at the trial no one believed her except her mother. Captain Bollinger ignoring the warning decided to leave with his wounds back to the fort. Even Mr. Broden, Mary Beth's father ignored the warning taking his family back home
Ana, Captain of a spaceship, is lost in what appears to be a black hole, but she soon discovers it is an energy field full of life bent on taking over her ship. Later, she and her crew are forced to enter a real Black Hole. She is forced her from her body as the ship passes through, and runs from another energy entity set loose in the ship. On the other side, the crew finds another live energy force that attacks their ship. They barely manage to escape...
Slowly she placed her left hand over the cooked fish protecting them. She heard the animal move on down the branch until he was partway in the boat beside her. She felt the boat tip sharply to her left. Yes, it was very large.
Suddenly she felt pain in her left arm. Sharp claws moved across her hand. It sent her screaming. Her fear came out in full force. She raised her hand quickly and struck something hard that had teeth in it. She kept screaming...
"That's ten years of hard work back on that table!" Laurel yelled. "That little innocent smile of hers didn't fool me."
"You can't say she didn't know how to play!" Clinton yelled beside the door, "She clipped us in less than twenty minutes!"
"She just learned how to play yesterday," Colonel Gatewood said. "We never taught her how to play five-card draw. She's only twelve."
Clinton shook his head and stomped out the door. Going past Rose's cabin,...
5) The Mystery
Wounded, her arms shaking, she held her colt forty-five against the wall, and moved down the hall. A dark shadow appeared, a flash, she pulled the trigger, and felt pain in her side. The assassin fell back in the room. Screaming, she sent bullets into the wall until the Assassin threw his gun out. The monitor instructed her to put her revolver down. The assassin wounded, disappeared out the partition. Against the wall, she slid to the floor unconscious...
It was too late. Rose felt the giant paddle strike the boat. Huge planks flew from the wheel as it devoured the bow of the Shanadoa. The giant wheel was coming for the wheelhouse. She saw the raft. It was caught in the wheel. It was coming up towards her.
Gripping the wheel, she dropped to the deck and covered her head. She closed her eyes as she heard the side of the wheelhouse coming apart. The noise was deafening, but she hung onto the wheel. She...
Her tears really flowed when he reached her. Slipping down from his horse, he helped her down and hugged her. She buried her head into his shoulder and continued to cry.
Caressing her hair, he said, "Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to come out here. Things sure haven't gone well for us."
"I'm sorry, Papa," Rose said, "I'm sorry."
He felt a damp area in her hair and gently pushed her back. Turning her head, he noticed the bruise on the side of her...
8) Indian Curse
Mrs. Stone has left for St Louis taking George with her. Rose's father built their house and barn on Indian land as did many of their neighbors. The Indians were scared off the land twenty years ago when the Indian massacres were taking place. Now Indian smoke is seen again. Have the Indians come back, and what do they want as old hatreds surface?
Rose delayed stepping on the gangplank for fear she might tip it slightly. She thought about waiting for the Colonel and delayed a little longer.
She heard someone coming down the stairs in a hurry and decided she would go on across to be out of his way. The footsteps picked up speed and came up fast behind her. She felt pressure on her side and found herself falling into the water. Something hit her head, and she blacked out.
The story takes place in southern Alabama along the Tensaw River in the year 1852, twenty years after the Indian Creek massacre of1832. Rose lives a very sheltered life, until she reaches the age of twelve when her adventures begin.
In this first story, Rose meets Mrs. Stone and thinks she is a witch seeking to make a ghoul. She needs virgin blood, her blood. She screams to her mother, and her teacher, but no one will listen.
Rose looked back at her cards and began turning them over slowly. A red ace came up followed by a red King, red queen, red jack, and a red ten in the same suit. She had a 'royal flush.'
Captain Morgan smiled, "I think the pot belongs to Mr. Donovan, Gentlemen."
John Deer, stunned, stared at the pot in front of him.
Jed Smith reached into his coat pocket and withdrew a small pistol, and screamed, "No one's taking my stake! That's our money she's got!"
Blinding headlights behind, now beside her. Curve ahead, she slams the brakes. It misses, smashes through the rail. She hears it strike the rocks below. Silence, only the darkness. Her arms shake. In the city, headlights again. The ship, the Marines will be there. She skids to a stop at the gangplank, no one. The black car pulls up behind her, doors open. She accelerates, as bullets take out the windows. She stops at the edge of the pier. It's quiet,...
Stumbling most of the way, she managed to reach the wheelhouse. It was deserted. The wheel was moving lazily one way and then the other. She took hold of it and looked around. She wanted to turn the boat, but she did not know what side of the river she was on. Deciding she must be close to the east bank, she began turning the wheel to her right. It had to be a tight turn.
The heavy smoke coming from the fire was being driven towards the wheelhouse....
15) The Spook
George dropped the dress sending her into the water face first. She dropped the lantern trying to catch herself, but she hung onto the dress. She felt her hands go through the mud and strike the hard dirt below. Her nose and mouth filled with the soft mud. She came up spitting mud and water.
She started to wipe her face with the dress but changed her mind. The stench coming from it overpowered her nose. She remained sitting in the water searching...
16) Buiffalo Boy
A young man of thirteen is cast away from his village when he fails to become a warrior and brings the wrath of the Great Spirit to his village. Trying to survive he is forced to live with the buffalo. His family now hunts him like the buffalo.
Suddenly four wolves attacked. The horse reacted and started kicking their legs out behind them. The wolves darted around them, but they were, meant with a sharp stick from Rose and the accurate hooves of her pony.
Rose poked the leading one in the chest and sent him squealing. The pony connected with the next one catching him in the face. The Colonel came out of the tepee with his saber drawn when Rose did not come inside. He saw her, and the pony...
Rose could feel the person looking at them. Immediatel,y she knew who it was. She felt the small dark eyes penetrating the wood. It was Mrs. Peterson! Rose concentrated and pushed the eyes back out with her mind. The eyes were becoming weaker. She kept concentrating and pushing hard.
"Stop!" Yelled Mrs. Peterson. "Please stop!" They heard Mrs. Peterson run from the boat screaming, "No more! No More! If you want them, you have to go get them!
She felt sick and dizzy at the same time. She knew she had to free herself before the cellar became totally, engulfed.
She pulled hard with her right arm and felt the stake give slightly. It allowed her more, leverage on her left arm. Pulling hard, she loosened it some. This allowed her to lean forward and put more of her body into her right arm.
Giving it all she had, she felt it slipping and then flying free. She did not bother to untie the ropes....
She raised the lantern higher and looked in the mirror over the bar. She was bleeding from her head and arm. Her hair was a mess and mixed in with the blood. Her left hand was dripping blood over the crowbar she held. Her dress was in shreds and barely holding together. She had dirt from the holes sticking to the other parts of her body. She dropped to the floor and felt a dark cloud go over her head.