Jan Fields
Meri's class gets a new set of twins from California: Sean and Sonia Wilson. Everyone wants to be like the stylish Sonia or the mischievous Sean, especially when they learn the twins know real, actual television stars. When Meri doesn't get caught up in twin mania, Sonia accuses her of being jealous. Is Meri jealous or is there more to the twins than meets the eye and ear? Meri gets a hand seeing clearly from a girl who sees right into her heart--Sarah...
Meri knows best friends forever don't always last, but why did her ex-best turn into the meanest girl in school? With help from one of the spunkiest girls in children's literature, Anne Shirley of Anne of Green Gables, Meri works to unravel the mystery of best friend turned worst bully.
Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards.
Calico is an imprint of Magic Wagon, a division of ABDO. Fourth grader Meredith Mercer, known...
Carter Lewis is thrilled when he gets a coded message from his computer-programming uncle offering him the coolest job in the world - helping test a new virtual reality program. Carter will even put up with Uncle Dan's other new helper, Carter's brainiac cousin Isabelle. Everything is fantastic until Uncle Dan discovers someone has tampered with the code in The Three Musketeers. The hacker has left clues to his identity, so Uncle Dan sends the kids...
Uncle Dan is still tracking down the hacker known as Storm. While Carter waits, he's looking for a way to get out of actually reading his homework. Since Isabelle has cleaned up the virtual reality code, Carter heads into "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow." What he doesn't know is that Storm has left a few traps. Isabelle can't get the virtual reality program to shut down to get Carter out of the suit. She has to try the most dangerous thing of all - a...
A vacation in New York City, New York, turns into a stinky situation when the Monster Hunters seek out alligators that live in the sewers. When team members get lost in the underground maze they panic! Can they find their way out before the rising tide carries them away, or worse?
Aligned to Common Core standards and correlated to state standards.
Calico is an imprint of Magic Wagon, a division of ABDO. Gabe Brown has the coolest stepbrother...
It turns out Storm never had Uncle Dan at all! He is now safe at home and the virtual reality system is secure against all hacking. Uncle Dan has finished his prototype and arranged for a buyer. The buyer, a young woman, says she wants to try the suit first and she needs a guide. So Carter agrees to enter Great Expectations with her. What the family doesn't know is the young woman is actually Storm and she's got one last trick up her sleeve -- revenge!...
The Monster Hunters head to Nevada where their destination is Lake Tahoe. While seeking a monster called Tahoe Tessie, they discover how much damage invasive species can do. A close call underwater shows the team the importance of scientific research, and a glimpse of Tahoe Tessie!
Aligned to Common Core standards and correlated to state standards.
Calico is an imprint of Magic Wagon, a division of ABDO. Gabe Brown has the coolest stepbrother...
Storm has captured Uncle Dan and is holding him hostage. To get their uncle back, Carter and Isabelle have to destroy the suit and delete all his files for the program. But, Carter knows Storm can't resist a challenge so he dares Storm to compete against him inside a book. If Carter guesses which character in Treasure Island that Storm is, Storm has to release their uncle immediately. If Storm wins, Isabelle will destroy everything in their uncle's...
Uncle Dan invites Carter and Isabelle to help him unveil the virtual reality suits in a huge bookstore in New York. The test in Alice In Wonderland goes fine. But when a brownout fries Uncle Dan's system, two kids are trapped inside the suits. Somehow, the suit combined Wind in the Willows and Peter Pan and Uncle Dan and Isabelle can't get the kids out. Carter must suit up in the spare rig and bring the kids out while Dan and Isabelle struggle to...
Meri has decided she's ready to share her secret with the world, or at least with her friends Jasmine, Sean, Sonia, and David. But when the others can't see Mary Lennox from The Secret Garden, they think she is playing a game. Meri lies so they don't think she is strange. But Mary Lennox sets Meri Mercer straight on what it means to tell the truth, no matter what anyone else thinks!
Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards.
On an adventure to Texas, the Monster Hunters learn that most Chupacabra sightings are thought to be coyotes with mange. Research shows them the damage these parasites can do to a coyote's coat. But is that the answer? When the team heads out one night to see for themselves, they get a surprise they never expected!
Aligned to Common Core standards and correlated to state standards.
Calico is an imprint of Magic Wagon, a division of ABDO. Gabe...
A wealthy but unpublished author hires Uncle Dan to turn his book into a virtual world so that he can get the attention of a publisher. But soon Carter and Isabelle begin to suspect this author is a little too desperate for success. In fact, he's lifted characters and dialog directly from classic books for his masterpiece. Can Carter and Isabelle reveal the plagiarism of Edgar Allan Poe's The Purloined Letter and convince Uncle Dan to put a stop to...
Gabe Brown's brother Ben has his own show on the Internet called Discover Cryptids. Gabe and his friends Tyler and Sean help Ben hunt down these monsters and make sure the show goes on! For this episode, the Monster Hunters travel to Arizona to investigate the Mogollon Monster for their Discover Cryptids Internet show. The monster is terrorizing a summer camp. Is a camper playing a practical joke? Maybe, but the team isn't so sure! Aligned to Common...
18) The Door
Thirteen-year-old Tom Goodwin is not happy about moving hundreds of miles away from his best friend, thanks to his dad's new job. His new classmates think his Boston accent is weird, his new school is seriously old, and his new friends-just kidding. He has no new friends here. But at least he's not as weird as Lata Seth, a fellow eighth grader who skips class to stare at an empty wall of the school hallway in the belief that a door will randomly appear...
Malcolm's class trip to the zoo goes bananas when animals break out of their cages. He's convinced the place is haunted, but is banned from the park when he climbs a cage to get his ghost zapper back from a monkey. Can the boys enlist Mrs. Goolsby's help to stop the ghost that's letting the animals out of their cages? Aligned to Common Core standards and correlated to state standards. Calico is an imprint of Magic Wagon, a division of ABDO.
20) The Jinx
Elizabeth is tired of being mistreated in her orphanage, so she runs away and hides in a ship's cargo hold. But when, the ship sets sail, two crewmen discover her during a storm. They think she's a jinx! What will become of Elizabeth now? Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Spellbound is an imprint of Magic Wagon, a division of ABDO.